The Male Alliance applauds The Argus for continued support of gay issues and responsible reporting (Voice of The Argus, March 27).

However, in the light of yet another vicious attack on a gay man in Brighton, we do not accept that ignorance is the sole cause of homophobia.

Understanding more about a lifestyle does not necessarily lead to greater tolerance.

We fully support the repeal of Section 28 of the Local Government Act. We wonder why, with an allegedly sympathetic administration, the section remains on the statute books.

Angela Mason, head of gay rights group Stonewall, should have stood aside at the time her anti-Section 28 campaign failed, making way for the post to be jointly shared be a gay male and a gay female.

The problems gay males face differ considerably to those of lesbians.

On the front page of The Argus (March 27), yet again it is a gay male, not female, who is the victim of homophobic violence.

Resign, Miss Mason. Through the hazy dream of the gay utopia we are meant to believe exists in Brighton and Hove, gay men must see the ugly truth - there is danger as the "melting pot" boils over.

There is danger when we presume everyone can be educated out of hate. The Trojan Horse we let into our clubs and bars will take Brighton's gay scene down the same road to ruin that of Manchester took.

We need stronger laws, specific punishments equal to those laws granted to minority ethnic and religious sections of the community.

The law states if an attack can be proven to be racially motivated, the perpetrator shall receive a heavier sentence. There is no such provision for homophobic crime. Unlike in Holland, it is not illegal to be anti-gay in the UK.

We need concentration on improvements in the law to accompany education. Education alone is insufficient to deal with homophobia.

There must be a specific warning from the law, not a general application.

While we accept heterosexuals have the freedom to dislike our lifestyle despite awareness of us, by the same token we have the right to reject heterosexuals without guilt.

However, both sides are free to express themselves but without violence.

-Johnny, for The Male Alliance