Congratulations to Martin Perry for his comprehensive and objective response (Letters, June 24) to Green Councillor Keith Taylor's letter regarding Falmer.

I cannot think many would disagree with the environmental values the Greens strive to represent but there has been a marked difference in the Greens' performance since they moved from an environmental lobby group to a mainstream political party.

It simply is not acceptable to refuse to be active in the standard council practices, such as the Falmer planning meetings, and then stand carping from the sidelines.

If people voted for Green councillors, I am sure they did so expecting their chosen representatives to undertake a full and active part within Brighton and Hove City Council and not abdicate their responsibilities.

I wonder how long it will be before the local electorate realises how ineffective the Greens can be as council representatives and begin to question whether they would be more effective by returning to their (lobby group) roots?

-Malcolm Prescott, Clermont Terrace, Brighton