As the mother of three children who breastfed for seven happy years in total, I was utterly surprised and upset to read of the hostile and negative reaction the lady received to her completely natural response to her distressed small child by breastfeeding her on a bus.

Do we now live in such a sterile, judgemental world that such a sensitive and nurturing action is viewed as revolting? Has our attitude to the naked breast become so closely associated with exploitative sex that we are unable to recognise its nourishing and nurturing quality?

Our children are exposed to inappropriate and disturbing multi-media imagery from films, TV and comic books. On an almost daily basis on the streets of Brighton and Hove, they are exposed to scenes of aggression and despair. Just take a trip to St James's Street or London Road and you will see a disturbing, negative slice of life.

How on Earth can anyone attribute anything disgusting to the calm, beautiful sight of a child suckling at its mother's breast?

I believed Brighton and Hove was a tolerant, inclusive society until I read this letter.

-Name and address supplied