The case of Kerry Pullinger's broken arm is not an isolated blunder (The Argus, July 4).

In October 2000, my daughter, Tiffany, fell while ice-skating and hurt her arm.

We went to the Royal Sussex County Hospital but did not even get to see a doctor.

After a wait of an hour, we were seen by a nurse, who felt the arm and said it was not broken.

She said to take strong pain-killers and keep exercising it. However, she said to go back to casualty if Tiffany could not lift her arm above her head within three days.

She still couldn't lift it after three days and we went back. This time, she was seen by a doctor who arranged an X-ray and found she had a clean break across the top of her arm. She was then put into a sling and told not to move her arm or play any sports for six weeks.

-Mrs Wendy McClymont, Southview Road, Southwick