True Brightonians love to share their city and do not think like Mary Orchard (Letters, July 6), who considers the city unfit for locals to walk around in.

She says the centre cannot contain the bike rides, car rallies, Party in the Park and so on, although it seems to cope very well and has done for years. These are the things that make Brighton and Hove what it is and people love it.

And Western Road being unfit for the elderly and thronged with young people? I have always thought how well all ages and races mix together in our city.

As for roadworks being done at inconvenient times, is there ever a convenient time? I believe Brighton and Hove City Council gets it right most of the time.

It must be doing something right and certainly tries hard enough. Brighton and Hove knows how to have a good time and provide fun more than anywhere else in England. Let's not spoil that by trying to close the gates to would-be newcomers.

-Douglas Everitt, Cromwell Road, Hove