With absolute horror, I discovered Royal Mail is considering £14 for an early delivery of post.

It wants to get its act right first and make sure our mail is delivered safely now. I have lost so much mail - at least, the letters I know of - it is almost unbelievable.

In the past three years, I have lost two parcels. A third, about five weeks ago, was posted on June 6, a present to my newborn granddaughter in Germany.

It measured approximately 12in by 18in and never arrived. I filled in a lost post form and handed it in at the local post office. Guess what? It was lost too.

Lost letters include requests for money warrants to my Post Office account in Glasgow, warrants that have been sent to me and the savings book itself when it was sent for renewal.

Hospital appointments have never arrived - that could be a matter of life or death because I am diabetic.

I am secretary of the East Sussex Disability Association branch and so much has gone astray I was called a liar when I said I had not received some items.

I am also a town councillor and my agendas have often gone astray.

-Coun Reigna Mitchell, Peacehaven