On July 10, Ann Collard celebrated the life of her beloved son, Danny, who would have been 21 if his life had not been so cruelly taken away on March 22.

Ann did not celebrate his life alone, for around her that night were Danny's friends, who took her out to dinner to show their love and support for their friend and his mother, who, in turn, has been so loving and supportive to them.

This was a tribute to how people grow in love and generosity, even in time of unbelievable grief. It was also a wonderful expression on the part of these young men who are suffering so much.

Their hope is to plant a tree in Danny's memory as a visual reminder of the friend who is indelibly imprinted on their hearts.

I am, as the mother of one of them, sure their wish is to always be able to ease Ann's pain in any way they can in the coming year.

I ask all of you to pray for her and her remaining son, Joseph, and to send her all your love.

-Maggie Wright, Portslade