Brighton and Hove has one of the best sets of bus lanes in Britain provided in the city centre.

But all too often buses find their way blocked by cars which are driving illegally.

The problem is at its worst in Dyke Road, Western Road and North Street, where hundreds of drivers break the regulations every day.

At present, only police have the power to hand out fines to these drivers, which means many of them get away with it.

Periodic blitzes at the Clock Tower junction by officers appear to have had little effect.

Now Brighton and Hove City Council is likely to take advantage of a scheme used successfully in London where local authorities can take action.

It will also be possible to use speed cameras to trap the culprits. Most buses already have cameras enabling this to be done.

This will increase the reliability of the buses and make more people want to use them. In turn, this will free up road space for drivers in other parts of the city.

Bus lanes do not work properly, if at all, when motorists use them. Cameras on buses should ensure few take the chance in future.

Coupled with the successful parking enforcement measures, this should help keep the city moving.