A woman saved her four children from a fire before running back into the burning building to save her mother-in-law, a friend and the pet dog.

Caroline Michael, 39, was woken at about 2am today by the fire alarm at her home in Brighton.

She and her husband rushed their children, aged between five and 13, out of the building and on to the lawn in front of the house.

They could hear the screams of Mrs Michael's mother-in-law and her friend, who were trapped on the first floor with the family dog.

The heat was so intense it melted the plastic doors and window frames, sealing possible escape routes.

Mrs Michael ran back into the burning building, in Roedean Way, Roedean, and made her way to the first floor. She dragged the two women and dog out of the building.

Dennis Sharman, Mrs Michael's father, said he was very proud of his daughter.

Mr Sharman, 67 from Seaford, said: "She was so brave I think she deserves an award. The two women would have been baked alive if my daughter hadn't saved them."

It took more than 20 firefighters to tackle the blaze, which started in an overheated tumble dryer in an integral outhouse at their home. The utility room was gutted in the blaze and the rest of the house was smoke-logged.

A brigade spokesman said: "They could have been in a lot of trouble had it not been for their smoke alarm."