Plans to renovate one of the worst sections of Lewes Prison have been put back.

F wing, which holds vulnerable prisoners, was due to have major work as part of a £24 million refurbishment of the jail.

Work was expected to start later this year but Home Office minister Hilary Benn has told Lewes MP Norman Baker refurbishment of F wing will not start until 2003 or 2004.

Liberal Democrat Mr Baker had asked about the timetable for refurbishment of the prison, which has been dubbed as being "reminiscent of a dungeon".

Much of the 150-year-old prison is damp due to water seeping in through the flint walls. Several sections are Grade II listed, which means they cannot be demolished.

The Prison Service has put the refurbishment of Lewes at the top of its improvement programme.

The jail's new heating system in B wing will not be completed until 2004 at the earliest.

Fire safety work for the prison has been made a priority and this is expected to be finished in 2003.

Refurbishment work on the healthcare centre will start in March 2003 and last for seven months.

Mr Baker said: "I welcome the ongoing refurbishment but I am seriously concerned the refurbishment of F wing has been shelved. Lewes, like many prisons in the UK, requires urgent improvement."

Prison governor Paul Carroll said: "The priority is to get improvements to the healthcare centre.

"My job as governor is to ensure the best possible facilities are available to prisoners in my care, making use of the available funding and I shall continue to do that"