Recent criticism of Labour Party policy in The Argus letters pages did not go far enough.

We have a Prime Minister who says education is a priority, yet feels the need to pay extra for tuition for his own children.

We have a government which constantly says it is making improvements in our health service, yet the former wife of senior Labour minister Robin Cook was forced to quit her job as a hospital consultant, arguing that extra government spending was making no difference whatsoever to patient care.

We constantly hear crime is under control, yet only last week we heard that street robberies have soared by 28 per cent, violent crime by 11 per cent, soliciting by 60 per cent and rape by 14 per cent.

Enough is enough. People in Brighton and Hove will no longer accept the pronouncements that things are improving.

Labour came to power with the slogan that things can only get better - another promise they have clearly broken.

-Jan Young,