Full credit is due to the vast majority of people who attended on Saturday night but I was incredibly alarmed when glasses and bottles started coming down from the promenade as people made their way home.

It was a miracle nobody around me was hit.

I am all for these parties taking place but feel all the authorities involved were very naive about the volume of people expected.

I'm no expert but when I heard the estimated attendance I could not believe it.

Everyone I know was saying there would be at least 100,000 there and although no one could have predicted 250,000, how did the authorities get it so wrong?

It was an amazing event so, please, can lessons be learnt by all?

Let's not adopt the usual attitude of "never again" -they manage to get two million into Berlin each year for the Love Parade.

Let's look forward to a professionally marshalled event next year.

-Alex White, Tangmere Road, Brighton