The Argus has reported many of the howls of outrage concerning the rubbish left both on the beach and about the city by the beach party revellers.

I have examined the pictures closely and conclude the rubbish-strewn beach looks just like Marmion Road on a good day.

However, be that as it may, there was one positive outcome of the event.

The police scenes-of-crime officer (SOCO) who came to examine one of my vehicles, which a thief had tried to steal on Friday evening, told me that, for a Sunday, she was less busy than usual.

Presumably, all the criminals were on the beach, dropping rubbish here, there and everywhere, apart from in a rubbish bin.

But, sad to say, I knew my cheer would not last. They were back in Marmion Road on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and until the end of time (or until the death penalty is introduced to deal with litter louts).

-John Pearson, Marmion Road, Hove