The scenes of the Fatboy Slim concert were amazing.

An estimated 250,000 revellers, all enjoying themselves, is a sight to behold and something that is very much needed for the local economy.

However, there is always a downside. The phrase "location, location, location" should sum it all up.

The seafront cannot cope with this kind of impact. Even with the yearly Pride event this area virtually stands still, so what hope did we have on Saturday evening?

All the local services did a fantastic job and no one could have predicted 250,000 people in the city centre.

So let's have these concerts, let's predict the unpredictable but let's site them in an adequate place where infrastructure can cope.

Let's site them where all services can move freely and put public safety at the top of the agenda.

Let's make Brighton and Hove the place to be. It truly is a great place but, please, let's do it sensibly.

-Daniel Woodbridge, Hendon Street, Brighton