I wholeheartedly agree with the comments of Frances Lindsay-Hills, chairwoman of the Mid Sussex and Brighton RSPCA (July 16).

Spirit Of The Horse is nothing but a circus with horses. These beautiful animals are kept in stables so small they are unable to lie down and can barely turn around.

They are housed inside one of the big tops, which must reach unbearable temperatures in the sun.

After seeing the "tricks" performed by these horses, it has to be questioned whether cruelty has been used to train them, as has been uncovered in the past with other shows of this nature.

Have the councils visited the site to examine the condition the horses are kept in?

If culture councillor Ian Duncan says the show complies with Brighton and Hove City Council's policy, I am saddened the council's standards are so low.

I would hope this is the last we see of this sort of event.

-A J Kenward, Tangmere Road, Patcham