In May, you were kind enough to publish a letter from me regarding the wonderful service my wife received during her three-and-a-half months in intensive care at the Princess Royal Hospital.

The letter was read by many old friends who had not realised of her plight.

As a result, she has received extra visits, which are always welcome.

She has now been transferred to Lindfield ward, which is the stroke and rehabilitation ward, and is completing her sixth month in the hospital.

This ward is possibly the least glamorous of all the wards and certainly one of the hardest to work on because most of the patients need assistance for every task.

The nurses are very overworked and come from many overseas countries as well as the UK.

All of these nurses, both male and female, are extremely kind and devoted to the patients and give them the very best care in very difficult circumstances.

This opinion is widely held by other patients' relatives. I would like to say a very big thank you to them all and include the doctors and therapists in this tribute.

-Gordon Duckett, Woodwards Close, Burgess Hill