Like most people, I was amazed to see the vast amount of people that came to Brighton for Normstock, especially by car.

I must mention the complaints by some of the residents and businesses in the Brighton station area. It seems cars from outside Brighton parked just about anywhere they could, without consideration for the people that live there. They parked on residents' bays, double yellow lines, zigzags, pavements and grass verges - in fact, all the places you cannot legally park.

NCP must have given the traffic attendants the day off because very little or no ticketing was carried out that Saturday or on Sunday morning, even though offending cars parked all night. Did Brighton and Hove City Council advise NCP to ignore the offences or were the traffic attendants concerned about the vast amount of people and decide against taking any action?

Whatever the reasons, it seems unfair that at the Lions' annual carnival this year a whole road of cars parked on the grass verge was ticketed. This was a fund-raising event for charity and did not deserve such treatment. Is it not time for the council to address these issues during its Parking review?

-S J Percy, People's Parking Protest, Seven Dials, Brighton