I must admit, I think its hilarious people are blaming just the council for the rubbish on the streets when it's also the responsibility of the people who put the bags out.

They leave it for days, which is understandable with the reliability of the rubbish collections, but why not clean it up?

Also, if more people recycled their rubbish and took it to the main depots in Brighton and Hove, there wouldn't be as much of a problem.

The council could help people recycle, if they cannot get to the depots, by having collection bins at the end of streets.

For other rubbish, why not have sacks made of a material that is strong enough not to be ripped open? People could pop their black sacks inside and the binmen empty the sacks and return them to the door like a bin. Bins or wheelie bins are not always practical due to lack of space.

For a fabulous city that relies on tourism for a lot of its business, we all should do more and not blame others for our laziness.

-Paul Sheppard, Roedale, Brighton