Try as I may, I could make no sense of Mrs Phelps' letter (Letters, August 6) accusing a reader of whingeing for criticising Brighton and Hove City Council's crackpot policy of sending a sledge hammer in the shape of a mechanical sweeper to crack the cleaning of a road the size of a peanut that the complainant lives in.

As a taxi driver, I know there is no comparison to be made between Chalky Road and Stonery Road.

Unlike Stonery, Chalky is a bus route and densely populated with school children and large numbers attending the sports centre so it's hardly surprising litter is thrown down as fast as it's picked up. But at least it gets picked up regularly, unlike in Stonery Road where I saw for myself the litter on the same day I read the letter complaining one side of the road is hardly ever cleaned.

Later the same week, I noticed Stonery Road looking spick and span so perhaps others should do some whingeing in The Argus.

-Eck South, Glenfalls Avenue, Brighton