The Highways Department is reviewing parking throughout Brighton and Hove and I am advised it "may make changes to the current regulations as part of the review".

The residents' parking permit scheme makes no distinction between private and commercial vehicles of eligible residents.

So be it, although other residents and readers may feel as I do, that one should draw the line at Seeboard Transit vans.

These are about twice the height of ordinary private cars and, when parked in a residential road, significantly block out light to the rooms on the ground floor - not just basements - of our homes.

One is not quite sure how to react to a rear door panel of such vehicles warning "Highly inflammable" located a few feet from one's front door.

Obviously, such vehicles would be more sensibly based in an industrial car park and the organisation concerned so directed.

Alternatively, the issue might be tested in law but the immediate need is to make Brighton and Hove City Council and our elected representatives aware of our feelings.

-Denis Christian, Chichester Place, Kemp Town