Both worried residents and would-be TV stars have called for more CCTV cameras in Brighton and Hove in a new poll.

The survey organised by the Safe In The City web site found 55 per cent of users wanted more CCTV, with 48 per cent saying they would feel safer.

But seven per cent of voters said they wanted more CCTV because they liked being on camera.

One voter wrote: "If I can't be on Big Brother, at least I can be on CCTV."

But there were concerns that too many cameras would intrude on privacy, with 29 per cent opposed.

One sceptic wrote: "It has the potential to be used as a spying tool. We have to be vigilant over monitoring the police's use. Who monitors the police?"

Twelve per cent thought money invested in CCTV could be better spent elsewhere, on projects such as street wardens.

Sergeant Peter Castleton, who deals with community policing in the city, said: "It is not surprising people feel safer where CCTV is in operation. It can provide vital evidence in many cases.

"Strict controls exist to govern the use of police cameras to protect the public. Videos are stored from all cameras, which are monitored by lay visitors.

"If you are legitimately going about your business you have nothing to fear from CCTV and should feel safer."

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