Roy King needs help, not the aged. What a diatribe. Statistics prove that younger drivers cause more accidents than wrinklies.

That is why insurance companies are willing to insure mature drivers at reduced premiums.

As a 72-year-old driver, accident free since I got my licence in 1946, I have never been tailgated by a wrinkly on the motorway who insists on driving four feet behind me at 70mph, yapping into a mobile phone while all and sundry around are deafened by the noise that comes from his or her stereo.

But I get this from stupid younger drivers who persistently sit in the middle lane.

If you read and listen to the media, you will become aware that most of the accidents these days involve a commercial driver, usually a white-van berk, or a heavy goods guy who can't be bothered to look in his mirror when he pulls his juggernaut into the outer lane.

Why do you think more mature people pass the Advanced Drivers Test than younger people?

One last thing - when you visit Madeira Drive, keep one hand on your nappy and hold tightly on to your mummy's hand in case you are knocked down by a wrinkly doing handbrake turns, off-the-grid starts or wheelies.

Finally, let he who is without blemish cast the first stone.

-Barrie Cook, Elm Drive, Hove