Two hunky Sussex choristers have been showing off their heavenly bodies for a charity calendar.

Crispin Hanson and Nick Castell are among nine members of Portsmouth Cathedral Choir who discarded their cassocks and surplices for a saucy shoot.

The angelic pair, who both live in Sussex, have been receiving fan mail from buyers of the calendar, which has almost sold out.

They are also both keen to feature in the next calendar, which promises to be even more risque.

Crispin, 20, from Bolney is an architecture student at Portsmouth University. He features as a pin-up in January, June and December.

He said: "It was a rare opportunity - who else gets to appear on a calendar? I jumped at the chance.

"I have done a bit of modelling work before so I wasn't shy in front of the camera.

"My parents think it's fantastic. They have bought lots of calendars and are giving them away for Christmas. They can't wait until next year's.

"My friends at university also think its great and I've received a couple of fan mail letters. They emailed the cathedral saying 'Crispin was hunky'."

Nick, who is also 20 and comes from Eastbourne, said: "I wasn't nervous at all, I only had my shirt open.

"I will definitely be up for it next year, which will probably be a bit more daring. I have been warned next year we'll have to take our shirts off.

"I wouldn't be surprised if the following year another item of clothing comes off."

Choirmaster David Price said: "We have sold 900 copies of the calendar and are hoping to clear 1,000 by the middle of next month."

Money from the sales goes to Macmillan Cancer Relief and a hospice in Portsmouth. To order a copy, log on to