If there is any consolation for Edward and Dorothy Marke it is that in their dotage they will never truly understand the awful fate that has befallen them.

After working hard throughout their lives, their savings were unscrupulously stripped away by a woman in whom they placed their complete trust.

Care home matron Elizabeth Ayrey stole almost £1 million from the couple, siphoning off the cash in drips and drabs and using it to fuel her own luxury lifestyle.

There is a moral in this unpleasant tale for all those who have elderly relatives.

It is much more care needs to be taken of the financial affairs of those who are less able as the years advance.

Many concerned relatives exercise a power of attorney over their elderly parents, uncles and aunts, giving them control over financial affairs.

It is also possible for steps to be taken through legal and financial firms who offer this kind of expertise.

There's also a duty on those who run homes for the elderly to keep strict surveillance on their employees.

Residents of rest and nursing homes are entitled to expect staff of top probity to be looking after them in their declining years.

This was patently not the case at The Gables nursing home where a wicked woman betrayed their trust.