Sussex University student Joanna Gutridge has told how the murder of her friend Marsha McDonnell has left her devastated.

The 19-year-old was found bludgeoned to death just 100 yds from her home in Hampton, west London in the early hours of Tuesday.

Joanna, 19, who is studying in Sussex, was one of Marsha's best friends.

Over the weekend, she and Marsha's other close friends Laura Scott, 18, Lucy Packman, 18, and Ashley Clifford, 19, got together to remember the friend they called "Marsh".

Tearfully looking through old photos of happier times, they told how she was "too good for this world".

Joanna described how much Marsha loved her home and her family, particularly her five-year-old brother Jack.

She said: "She always used to go to the park with Jack, she was like his second mum and she was so proud of him."

Joanna revealed the pair had talked about moving to a place in the sun and setting up business together.

She said: "We used to talk about all sorts of things - at one point we were going to move to Spain and set up apartments and live there forever."

She also revealed she still had messages from Marsha on her mobile phone and could not bear to erase them.