Like me, many music fans will have become fully aware that over the past few years the price asked for tickets to see their favourite acts in Brighton have been rising at an alarming rate.

The cost of seeing a concert on the South Coast is now on a par with those for London venues.

In 2002, the legendary songwriter and performer Bob Dylan appeared for one night at the Brighton Centre. All tickets were £27.50.

This March, singer-songwriter James Taylor (not quite as legendary as Dylan) will be in concert at the Brighton Centre. This time, all the tickets will be £32.50.

The following month, chart-topping band Simply Red will also be appearing at Sussex's largest venue and their followers are expected to pay a mighty £35 for one ticket.

Anyone who purchases several tickets for this show could easily be receiving an urgent letter from their bank informing them they are simply-in-the-red.

The last time Simply Red performed at the Brighton Centre, they upset many of their fans by staging a shorter-than-expected show.

The outrage their performance and attitude caused made headlines in The Argus. Those rich enough to attend this forthcoming appearance will be expecting a lot more.

Will 2003 see the £40 ticket price arrive at a Brighton and Hove venue? (Dramatic music is now played...)

-Barry J Martin, Princes Crescent, Brighton