Like D A Coles's father (Letters, February 5), my father fought in the Second World War.

I think he took a slightly different view of the conflict. He fought so everyone could be free, principally in Europe, but everywhere.

Remember, the UK declared war on Germany when that country invaded Poland. Germany was not threatening us at the time.

We fought first for Polish and European freedom, then our own.

Mr Coles's father and mine enabled my younger son to be free to go to live in Spain a dozen or so years ago, build a successful business, find a nice woman, settle down and present me with two lovely grandchildren.

But he must be called an economic migrant.

But then, my father came to Sussex in the Thirties from Wales to work and settled here.

Another economic migrant? He took the view that he was only coming back to a country that had truly been overrun and turned into a "foreign land" by waves of Saxons, Angles, Jutes, Vikings and Normans between 1,500 and 1,000 years ago, all of them economic migrants, asylum seekers or worse, and all uninvited.

Unfortunately, a lot of them have forgotten their own history and become "little Englanders" and don't want other people to be as free as they are.

-Peter Deacon, Lewes