There is light at the end of the tunnel for a couple who have been without a street light outside their home for five months.

Jennifer Pim and her husband Mark have been asking their council to repair the lamp since October.

The couple, of Ninfield Place, Whitehawk, Brighton, became so frustrated asking for their darkness to be lifted they contacted The Argus.

Mrs Pim, who is registered disabled and uses a wheelchair after a number of strokes, said: "We have been ringing and ringing the council since October and the light still hasn't been fixed. This is the only light at our end of the road."

Mr Pim fell and injured himself in the dark while pushing his wife in her wheelchair.

He said: "The chair went forward as I fell but luckily my son grabbed it.

"When we phone the council no one wants to take responsibility for the light. I've been through loads of departments."

A Brighton and Hove City Council spokesman said: "It seems there has been some confusion over who is responsible and who should be fixing it.

"We are sending someone to assess the problem and we apologise."