A teenager with special needs was threatened with a knife by thugs who mugged him for his mobile phone.

Matthew Braggs, 13, was left with a black eye and cut legs after being attacked by a teenage boy and girl last night.

He and his 14-year-old brother Adam were walking home from a youth club at Hangleton Junior School when they were set upon in Stapley Road, Hove, at about 9.40pm.

At first the two brothers fled and hid behind a bush.

But when worried mother Julie Braggs phoned them to find out where they were, the ringing of their mobile phone gave away their hiding place.

Adam managed to run away but Matthew, who has the mental age of an eight-year-old, was caught by the two attackers, who claimed to have a knife.

He was grabbed and kicked to the ground by the boy.

The girl approached him and seemed about to help him up but suddenly pinned him against a wall and punched him.

When Matthew told her he would call the police, she seized his phone.

Mrs Braggs said: "He tried to fend her off but once she had the mobile she ran away.

"Matthew has a swollen eye and two massive grazes on his legs - the fall took the skin off one of his knees."

Adam returned to the scene and helped Matthew to their grandparents' home in nearby Wilfrid Road.

The family reported the crime to the police, who took statements last night.

Matthew, who attends Downs Park School for special needs children in Foredown Road, Portslade, was kept home today to recover.

Mrs Braggs said: "He was screaming when I picked him up last night and is still very upset by what happened.

"I want the kids who did this to be caught so they cannot cause any more problems."

Last month Adam and his 12-year-old brother Christopher were left shocked and bruised after being knocked off their bicycles by a hit-and-run driver.

The accident happened in Portland Road and wrecked Adam's bike.

Mrs Braggs said: "We are having a bad year so far."

A police spokeswoman: "Officers were very concerned for the welfare of the boy because of his young age and the injuries he suffered."

Anyone with information should contact Sussex Police on 0845 6070999.