Once again, property developers indiscriminately set out to destroy a Brighton landmark, regardless of the feelings of Brightonians.

Once again, Brighton and Hove City Council toothlessly kow-tows to their every whim.

Let's face it, we really do need another faceless, forgettable building development, don't we folks?

We really do want to see the wanton destruction of a pub every real Brightonian knows and holds with affectionate regard because some anonymous shirt who probably doesn't even know where the Clock Tower is wants to make a few quid (enlightened self-interest, of course).

I am sure my furious disgust would be shared by any Brightonian who knew what had been decided by these people who are not from our city.

I am also sure the impotent negligence of our council of its duty to preserve our heritage would similarly be regarded with disgust.

Yes, The Quadrant is part of our heritage. The bar is more than 150 years old, is listed and has a protection order on it.

We are assured by these sensitive property developers they would preserve the bar but, of course, they regret to inform us they are going to build their development all over and around it.

I am sure it is every Brightonian's dream to see another characterless box replace the beautiful Victorian building that proudly houses an exquisite tribute to 19th-Century craftsmen. Please protest.

-Kevan Hill, Montpelier Road, Brighton