It is with much sadness we write to confirm The Quadrant shall be closing its doors on March 24 and shall cease trading to the public some time between March 18 and 22.

We wish to take this opportunity to express our warmest thanks to all our customers, staff and friends past and present for their support and loyalty through the great and difficult times over the past 22 years.

Thank you to the students of Sussex University and the local people of Brighton and Hove, of whom we have known so many over the years and who have often shared "their local" on this busy thoroughfare with the passing trade and day-trippers from outside the city.

Thanks also to our suppliers, service engineers, contract cleaners, stocktaker and accountant - many of these are local, family-run businesses - Brighton Police for being there for us on the rare occasions we have experienced unwelcome problems, BBC Southern Counties Radio, The Leader and The Argus for your generous support over the years.

A very special thanks to Gary, our present manager, Luke, assistant manager, Elisa, full-time barmaid, and part-time staff for their hard work, dedication, loyalty and support, particularly over the past three years, which have been fraught with anxiety owing to the uncertainty of the redevelopment and the future of their jobs.

-Roy and Laura (between 20 years and old age), 22 years at 'The Quaddie'