A campaign to get children off the streets and out of trouble has been hailed a success.

Last June, residents in East Worthing held a crisis meeting amid fears yobs were out of control.

As a result, residents set up East Worthing Residents' Action Group, which has led to a sharp decline in antisocial behaviour.

The group is run by husband and wife Christine and Mick Smith, and Rob Scott-Wright, who help organise activities on Monday nights at St Stephen's Church in Angola Road.

More than 40 youngsters have attended the evenings and Christine, of Sackville Road, is hoping another regular night can be set up on Wednesdays for slightly older teenagers.

Worthing Homes has donated a set of goalposts and the Sidney Walter Centre in Sussex Road given £160 towards a football kit so youngsters can form a football team.

A further £1,000 from Worthing Community Partnership will be presented to the group on Saturday by the Mayor of Worthing, Councillor Eric Mardell.

Christine said: "We had an awful lot of trouble from kids aged between six and 13, such as petty vandalism and egg throwing. The elderly folk were frightened to go out.

"People were moaning about it but not doing anything so we had a meeting and formed the action group so the youngsters didn't go astray.

"With the money we are going to get things such as fishing rods and other football equipment and take the children out on trips.

"I think most people would say you can walk down the streets safely now, when you couldn't before."