A spoof newsletter sent to hundreds of homes has caused a political storm in the run-up to the local elections.

The Labour Party has put out the leaflet in the Regency ward in Brighton based on the Liberal Democrats' regular Focus newsletters - but retitled Unfocussed.

The leaflet gave instances of how Lib Dems had failed in Adur District Council and said they had done badly in Lewes.

It gave a spoof web site address and used a picture of a dodo to mark the party's disappearance from its flagship ward in Adur.

Lib Dems are furious about the "dirty tricks" tactic.

Paul Elgood, Liberal Democrat group leader on Brighton and Hove City Council, has demanded Labour leaders withdraw the leaflet.

He said: "Labour does itself no credit by undertaking such desperate and dirty practices.

"This clearly shows how worried it is about holding Regency ward and indeed the council in May.

"We will not resort to such gutter tactics in response but will stay firmly on the record of the failed Labour council. A number of residents have contacted me to complain about the leaflet. They are unhappy at this negative kind of campaigning."

Michael Fisher, who wrote the leaflet, is standing in the ward for Labour along with councillor Roy Pennington.

He told The Argus: "If the Liberal Democrats can't take a humorous potshot at their policies, I feel sorry for them."

City council leader Ken Bodfish said he had not seen the leaflet and could not comment on it.

But he added: "Coun Elgood has attacked us for financial mismanagement without any back-up and it is his party which is bringing politics into disrepute."

Coun Bodfish said the party was trying to belittle Labour's record on education, social care and other public services.