A national conservation group has offered its services to assist the redevelopment of a derelict shopping precinct.

The Worthing Society conservation group approached the Civic Trust at a time when plans for a cinema complex on Teville Gate in Worthing were falling through.

This has now happened, leaving Worthing Borough Council with a major headache over the future of the site, which is the haunt of arsonists, muggers, vandals and drug addicts.

Sue Vincent, operations manager for the trust's regeneration unit, has now offered the organisation's services to the council.

She wrote: "Members in the Worthing Society have drawn our attention to the difficulties facing the site, which has been described as derelict and in economic decline.

"The Civic Trust regeneration unit not only has a history of rejuvenating urban landscapes alongside local partners but our enterprise team has been working in the field of economic regeneration with innovative programmes.

"We certainly can help support partners to explore a sustainable future for Teville Gate."

After ditching the cinema plans, site owner Farrho said it would like to see housing on the site.