A historic church in Shoreham will be the venue for a series of events to celebrate its 900th year.

A new choral work by composer Michael Finnissy will be performed at St Mary de Haura Church on Saturday.

The piece, called This Church, tells the story of the Norman landmark whose history is known through records that can be traced back to 1103.

A £1 million project to restore and preserve the ancient building is under way with scaffolding in place as expert stonemasons work on the vaulting and ceiling.

The vicar, the Reverend Victor Standing, and his wife Marion want people who would not normally visit the church to attend events being staged to celebrate its anniversary.

They include a flower festival at the end of May, a historical pageant in July and a medieval weekend on July 12 and 13.

There will also be exhibitions, lectures and activities for children exploring the church's history.

Special services will also be held throughout the year.

Mr Standing said: "All of us who worship and serve in this holy place are aware of the heritage we have entered.

St. Mary's has a fascinating history and beautiful architecture.

"This great church has stood as a sign of God's presence at the heart of the town of Shoreham since 1103 and it continues to inspire parishioners and visitors alike."

This Church will be performed at St Mary's, Church Street, on Saturday at 7.30pm.

For more information, visit the web site www.stmarydehaura.org.uk