The matter of how cyclists are affected by the new South Central trains was raised recently ("Poor training", Letters, January 30).

The writer made it clear the new trains provide limited space for cyclists and there was an issue of wheelchair users having priority to be carried on our services.

I do not think any reader would disagree with a policy of giving priority to passengers in wheelchairs over cycles.

When a wheelchair passenger requires the designated space, cyclists will be asked to move their bicycles to another part of the train - the vestibule, for example.

Cyclists are excluded from taking bikes on crowded commuter trains during peak hours and this will remain the case with the introduction of the new trains.

It is unlikely the situation will arise whereby a train is so crowded outside peak hours there is insufficient space on board to accommodate a bicycle.

For the interior designs of the new trains, there was extensive consultation with passenger user groups, who rightly felt the needs of passengers, both able-bodied and in wheelchairs, should be given priority over cycles.

In addition, the power supply to accommodate the new trains was known and discussed by the relevant parties prior to any orders being placed.

-Samantha Hodder, Head of Communications, South Central