I read with interest Anne Doyle's cycling column (The Argus Weekend, February 8). In her second paragraph, she refers to the "excellent route out of town" on the undercliff path to Rottingdean and the fact it will be closed soon for 18 months for sea defence work.

It may come as a surprise to her and her colleagues but cycling is prohibited on the undercliff, with numerous signs to this effect. This is ignored by all and places walkers in constant danger.

As Brighton and Hove City Council has agreed to build a cycleway on the clifftop at a cost of some £250,000, I would be pleased to hear comments as to how many cyclists would use such a route, given its hilly and windy location and the danger of speeding traffic on the A259.

Perhaps, with lobbying, the council will rethink its decision rather than build a route that will become a white elephant.

-D B Goodchild, Gorham Avenue, Rottingdean