A man who employed the killer of Sarah Payne punched a teacher in the face.

A court was told he had become overprotective towards children.

Alan Merritt, 40, former boss of paedophile Roy Whiting, said he lost his temper when a comment was made about his daughter.

Worthing magistrates heard he broke the nose of teacher Sam Reid after a row in a bar. He admitted a charge of causing actual bodily harm and was given an 18-month conditional discharge.

Claire Ellis, prosecuting, said Mr Reid had gone to the Tower Club, Littlehampton, and was drinking with friends on November 16, 2002.

She said Mr Reid was approached by Merritt who said he wanted to carry on with an argument.

Mr Reid insisted Merritt was confusing him with someone else.

He was led away by friends but returned and in an unprovoked attack punched Mr Reid on the nose.

Soheila Richardson, defending, said her client's account differed and a disagreement about Merritt's sister's heavy drinking in the bar had led to both men having to be separated.

She added: "But when my client was told Mr Reid was a teacher at his daughter's school, he felt embarrassed and went to shake Mr Reid's hand, who said to him 'I have control of your daughter'.

"My client had employed the wretched man who murdered Sarah Payne. He had let him (Whiting) into his house. He just punched. He had become overprotective to his children."