Thank goodness for Adur residents having a Conservative ruling group or their council tax bills would have gone through the roof.

For the first time since 1980, Adur District Council has a balanced budget without having to turn to reserves. This is exactly what the group set out to do when elected.

When residents look at council tax increases look carefully at where the money is being spent, I feel sure

the massive hike in salary awarded to West Sussex County Council's chief executive does not help matters, a truly foolish and irresponsible move by West Sussex councillors to even consider. The Government also feels compelled to punish those of us who wish to live in the South by withdrawing subsidies.

Adur councillors continue to be the some of the lowest paid in the country. Services are set to be improved at a nominal cost to council tax-payers. Is it little wonder so many are leaving neighbouring Labour-controlled Brighton and Hove to live in Adur?

-Mike Mendoza, Adur district councillor (Conservative), Ham Road, Shoreham