I, and many other ex-Royal Air Force bods, think all this bickering about stalling a result for a second runway at Gatwick until 2019 is pathetic.

Another one is badly needed in case a crash blocks one of them.

We also need a cross runway at Gatwick as aircraft are still being blown off with heavy crosswinds during the winter months.

This would relieve some of the flights in and out of Heathrow, which is overloaded.

No one complained about the aircraft during the war. We were flying day and night then and that is what should be happening now.

Then the daytime would not be so congested. Aircraft are like music to the ears and nothing compared to traffic, trains etc.

Another point is that people who move to live near an airport of any size must know what to expect and they fly from the nearest airport when they go on their holidays.

It should have all been done 30 years ago.

-Gerald Spicer, North Road, Portslade