It's disgraceful to stop pensioners using the county card for travelling on buses before 9am.

I would not think many of us do from choice but when an appointment has to be kept we will have to pay double - you cannot pick and choose appointments.

On a single bus route, when you have to connect with another bus, you have to allow for at least an hour, if not more, to reach your destination.

I can just see the hospitals changing their opening and closing times!

We have also been caught up in the fare changes. The new 50p fare costs us an extra 15p, as it was 35p before.

By abolishing the centre fare to a saver, it has cost us another 40p.

The saver books have a restricted availability according to where you live and they should be made widely available.

They should be available on the buses. Even so, we are still 15p worse off.

The £1 fare has stayed the same so whymust pensioners always have to bear the cost?

-Mrs S Willard, Hove