A father is planning to cycle 100 miles to raise money for a hospital unit which cared for his premature baby boy.

Phil and Claire Hodgkiss' son, Ben, was born six weeks premature at the Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton, on December 27 last year.

He was cared for at the hospital's specialist Trevor Mann baby unit until January 12 when he was allowed to go home.

Ben, who is the couple's first child, gave his parents a scare when his mother's waters broke 20 weeks early in September.

Mr Hodgkiss, of Lennox Road, Hove, said: "The hospital was able to stop the labour from continuing but obviously from then we were walking on eggshells.

"Doctors said once we got past 30 weeks there was a better chance for Ben. Eventually, just after Christmas he decided to put in an appearance."

The couple were so impressed by the care Ben received that Mr Hodgkiss vowed to help the unit.

He is now taking part in the South Downs Way Randonnee, a 100-mile mountain bike endurance event, next Saturday.

Mr Hodgkiss, 34, is hoping to raise at least £1,000 for the Early Birth Foundation, which raises money for Trevor Mann.

The doting dad, who works with his father's publishing firm, The Ernest Press, has nothing but praise for the hospital.

He said: "The compassion we were shown and the care provided by the unit during the lead up to and following Ben's birth was outstanding.

"During all consultations, we were given consistent and sympathetic advice and realistic expectations.

"At no point were we given false hopes. Claire and I were secretly dreading what could have been and don't have the words to thank the staff for delivering and caring for Ben."

Anyone interested in sponsoring Mr Hodgkiss can call him on 01273 777011.