It was pleasant to see a full congregation at St Peter's Church, Brighton, although, it was for the very sad occasion of the funeral and remembrance service for the so extra-special teacher Jane Longhurst.

I feel very sorry for the priest-in-charge, Father David Biggs, having to tolerate the number of hardened drinkers in the area and I do hope Brighton and Hove City Council and the police will be able to curb the shocking abuse of drugs and drinks which is prevalent in the city.

I realise Brighton and Hove will not be the City of Culture for the year 2008 and for many years to come but wouldn't it be wonderful if the city could make it safe for the elderly to be able to venture out when they wished and not to be attacked and robbed and the children to be able to play in the parks and not fear being assaulted? Just a thought.

-Roy Hilliard, Brighton