Brighton and Hove City Council's bus shelter policy really is in tatters now.

After replacing two old bus shelters in Hollingbury Road that are served by virtually no services and one of them only for dropping people off, the council is now destroying perfectly good bus shelters in Ovingdean.

The contract with Adshel is clearly a farce and is wasting money that could be better used to build decent bus shelters where they are desperately needed.

Existing bus shelters are too small on many of the busiest routes and most are poorly designed.

The council needs to get to grips with Adshel and the contract and make sure it is working for local people, not some national company more interested in advertising revenue.

It also needs to stop Adshel dumping new bus shelters in the middle of the pavements, making it awkward and, in some cases, dangerous to get past.

If the council really wants to encourage more people to use the buses it is going about it in exactly the wrong way.

It has to make it easy and attractive for people to wait at bus stops.

At the moment, it is doing neither, which is holding back the expansion of bus travel which, in turn, is helping keeping the city's streets clogged up with cars.

-Chris Todd, Brighton