Like it or loathe it, one thing you cannot deny about Irish dancing is its huge popularity.

Spirit Of The Dance features the Irish International Dance Company which flicked its feet through a 100-minute crazy whirl of dance.

The fans were just as crazy, too. Yelling, whistling and screaming their approval of each piece.

For me, Irish dancing satisfies a variety spot in a show and not a show of its own but the phenomenon, which began with Riverdance and Lord Of The Dance, shows no sign of running out of steam.

This show is a little different because they do raise their arms and hands above their heads and move into some Scottish dance routines as well as country-music dances.

My very favourite piece was when all the dancers sat on the front of the stage and did a complicated hand jive which was both invigorating and beautifully choreographed.

The music included a rock version of Danny Boy which would surely have had any proud Irishman weeping - with agony, not emotion.

But the dance was good and the audience loved every second.