Brighton and Hove City Council's parking policy still seems to be targeting the hard-working people of Hove.

With the building of the unnecessary Tesco in Church Road and the subsequent road changes that will be put into place, the council is leaving even less parking space for people who work in the area.

Add to this the extension of the parking scheme beyond Sackville Road and this leaves the people who make this a successful city out of pocket yet again.

What choice do we have? Park further out and see the council slowly turn the whole of Brighton and Hove into a car park or get the bus which has just gone up by 20 pence making it more expensive than pay and display?

How is the parking at Tesco going to be managed? Will it be free or will they charge for that as well?

The council can't keep removing parking without giving any alternative.

-Richard Goodliff, Patcham