The Brighton and Hove parking scheme is an outstanding success as long as you are collecting the money but isn't so great if you are unfortunate enough to be a victim.

Tickets have been issued to people loading in loading bays and any protest is met with a threat to increase the fine.

If you appeal, you are sent a standard letter ignoring everything in the appeal.

This would, I suspect, explain why there are so few appeals - they were ignored and therefore never existed.

I have asked wardens for assistance with cars parked in cycle lanes but was told they were only allowed to issue tickets if there were double yellow lines so there was nothing they could do.

Cars continue to park on pavements and in cycle lanes with impunity.

This happens near the viaduct in London Road, Brighton, outside the two shops supplying packaging and the car dealer.

If anyone says anything to the people who park there, they are met with a stream of abuse (a bit like Asda in the marina on a Sunday afternoon).

Why are tickets not issued in this spot? Can the wardens have a special reason for not seeing these cars?

I know there will be no reaction to this letter unless some council official reiterates how wonderful and popular the scheme is.

-Tony Derrington, Brighton