What a sorry story the long inquiry by Sussex Police into the death of Jay Abatan in Brighton has been.

It is four years since Mr Abatan, a father-of-two from Eastbourne, died after hitting his head on the ground outside the Ocean Rooms nightclub in Morley Street.

No one has been found guilty of any crime despite an inquiry costing millions.

Now Graham Curtis, who was never convicted of killing Jay Abatan, has been found hanged.

He had complained not long before his death how he was being badgered by detectives continuing the inquiry.

Friends said the long and persistent investigation got to Mr Curtis and started preying on his mind.

An inquest has yet to be held but there is little doubt Mr Curtis had other problems, including splitting up with his girlfriend.

It is also possible Mr Curtis might have been spared had he been more forthcoming about exactly what did happen in those tragic moments before Mr Abatan fell to the ground.

If anyone else has information about Mr Abatan's mysterious death, now is the time to tell the police.

Detectives were roundly criticised for being slow to act in the early days after the death and for not doing enough to solve it.

After receiving this reprimand their continued diligence is scarcely surprising.

But the fact remains another person has died and still no one has been brought to justice.