As one of the Highdown Road residents blasted awake every morning by the new South Central train horns, I was delighted to see your article (The Argus, May 9).

Brighton and Hove City Council's claim to be taking the matter seriously is deeply unconvincing. My fellow residents and I first complained in early January, only to be told there was nothing it could do.

However, advice given to us by the Ministry of Transport made it quite clear the council has statutory obligations to act on our behalf.

Subjected to further pressure, the council finally sent out noise diaries to residents, which we duly filled in and returned by the deadline of April 30. It is now June and still nothing has happened.

In the recent edition of its free magazine, City News, the council talked about the work of its community services team, fanfaring its apparent commitment to noise abatement.

Did it mention its concern to address the problem with the new train horns (rightly described by the Noise Abatement Society as the worst pollutant inflicted on people for many years)?

No, it did not. So, my fellow residents and I find it difficult to be persuaded by statements from council spokeswomen saying they are taking the problem seriously.

All the signs so far indicate the council is dragging its feet, shirking its statutory obligations and hoping someone will take the problem away.

It's not just my road that is affected. Hundreds of people across Brighton and Hove are suffering because of these new horns and they may wish to join our Pyjama Protest at Brighton Station on June 28, at 10.30am.

-Ella Dzelzainis, Hove