The head of Brighton College is writing an in-depth biography and accompanying TV series on Tony Blair.

Anthony Seldon has already written John Major's biography and is now turning his attentions to his successor.

With his team of researchers, Dr Seldon expects to interview hundreds of friends, colleagues and adversaries of the PM from his schooldays through to the present.

He hopes to question Mr Blair in person after all the other information has been collated.

Dr Seldon said: "I am trying to write a historian's book, looking at the 20 key turning points in his life.

"I'm trying to write dispassionately and be fair to him and those who think differently from him.

"I am going to be doing about 400 interviews with my research team. We have already done interviews in the USA, Europe, Israel and were also in other parts of the Middle East."

Dr Seldon has already unearthed Mr Blair's flair for acting at school.

He said: "Blair is very much a skilled actor. I've spoken to various old schoolteachers and he clearly loved to act and was very good at it. You are never quite certain what is going on beneath the surface."

He can also see parallels with Mr Major.

Dr Seldon said: "Politically, Tony Blair and John Major are quite similar. Blair is certainly more pro-Europe, although on Northern Ireland they pursued similar policies.

"On public services they favoured a mixture of public and private provision and on the economy they have both been fortunate in having strong chancellors and have managed the economy well.

"One of the big differences is over the constitution, which John Major never wanted to change.

"But in terms of outlook, they both work inordinately hard and want to be liked. They are both passionate about their country and want to improve conditions for everyone."

Dr Seldon, whose previous work includes Brave New City - his blueprint for the future of Brighton and Hove - said the as-yet untitled biography would be accompanied by a three-part television series to be shown on Channel 4.

But he added he would not benefit financially from the biography, which he is writing simply because he is interested in the subject.

He said: "I give away all the profits to charities. I gave all the profits from Brave New City to The Martlets Hospice.

"Even headteachers have to relax occasionally and one way I relax is by writing books."